I am a registered psychologist and provide counselling services via online - audio/video - to teenagers (16 and 17 years of age) and adults in Alberta, Canada.

I value compassion, authenticity, integrity, dignity, respect, diversity, inclusivity and collaboration. I view all people, all life circumstances and experiences and suffering through a lens of humility, compassion, acceptance, resilience and hope.

Wellness, regardless how each of us and people around the world generally define it, is essentially about being in good health.

Our psychological, emotional, physical and behavioural health has a bidirectional influence on our overall health and wellness. Our overall health and wellness interacts with and influences the nature and quality of our personal life, our social relations, our school or academic experiences and our work related experiences. Health and wellness, supports the maintenance of balance, purpose, spirituality (faith or non-faith based) and meaningfulness in our existence.

Free your courage, believe and be grounded in your resilience, view life and experiences through a lens of optimistic curiosity, self-compassion and self-understanding, experience personal growth and wisdom and permit all this to accompany, illuminate and enrich the paths of your life's journey and to support you in living with love, powerful, purposeful and meaningful intention and connection!

Our existence naturally evolves through the encountering of numerous and diverse interwoven paths throughout our lives.

Some of these paths present us with joy, while others throw challenging or even seemingly senseless circumstances and experiences our way. Naturally, we may all encounter challenging times now and again in our journey of being which would appear to make absolutely no sense at times.

If you are finding yourself struggling at this time with life altering circumstances, with extreme negative emotions such as despair, anxiety, anguish or sadness, with confusion in regards to difficult and complex questions or choices about yourself, with feeling loneliness, isolation or experiencing difficult challenges in your relations, with undue stress in your work place or even with feeling disinterested and disatisfied with life and seeking and striving for personal purpose and meaning in your existence, sharing your difficult experiences with a compassion and meaning oriented psychologist during these trying times, especially when answers or solutions have not been easy to find, may be especially supportive, comforting, valuable and beneficial.

Revekka Kakoullis believes in the power of people's personal strengths and resiliencies and in people's wisdom to define themselves and the purpose, value and meaning they seek in life. Revekka Kakoullis believes firmly in empowering people to free their courage, to embrace their responsibility and to make informed and personally valued choices through their present challenging circumstances and experiences - and thus to flow toward their desired changes for themselves - and to experience an authentic and personally created purposeful, meaningful and satisfying existence.

No matter the nature of difficulties or challenges that you may be encountering at this time, I would be honored to accompany, connect and support you with compassionate counselling. 


"The purpose of our...journey is not to replace the darkness with light, rather it's to integrate and honor all the parts of ourselves...all of life's energies."

- Deb Blum

Professional Interests

My name is Revekka Kakoullis and I am an authentic, compassionate/empathic, philosophical, creative and free-spirited registered psychologist in Edmonton, AB, Canada.

I strive to provide audio/video counselling services in the most practical, realistic and convenient means to meet the realities (i.e., pandemic or otherwise) and individual circumstances of people’s lives!

Personal Interests

I enjoy the sound of relaxing music and nature, lying back with a cozy blanket and reading a reflective book in my back yard. I love to partake in creative wood projects that spontaneously inspire my mind's eye. I enjoy writing poetry and music and playing the guitar. I enjoy the energizing, connecting and memorable road trips with family that take us through the phenomenal natural wonders of Canada. I enjoy spending candid, connecting and meaningful time and partaking in passionate discussions in the moment and sheer fun with friends. Last, but not least, i enjoy being in fully present flow with all my senses in the depths of nature.


advice on the lips


our world a labyrinthine

dim-sighted owing to its manifold scheme

bares darkness in bemusement


enlightenment in its illumined themes

it takes but one candle to kindle

for eyes to see


if hands shall sustain

the fire of the public hearth

its warmth shall liquefy the tears

frozen solid through the years

if smoke shall not arise

eyes shall see

the light of flame that appeared to desist accompaniment through the darkness

©️ 1995 Revekka C. Kakoullis

“In some ways suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning…”

- Viktor E. Frankl

Would you like to meet a psychologist who is compassionate and empowering, and will help you to navigate through your difficult circumstances?

Contact Revekka Kakoullis today to request an appointment.
Request An Appointment